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23-12-2024 17:33

21-05-2024 13:14
2024 @_@

15-12-2023 02:04
howdy partners Grin

03-12-2023 17:05
Hey guys! How’s everyone doing? <3

24-07-2023 04:05
wow, this place is still alive?! hi everyone, miss the minecraft days <3

25-09-2022 03:48
the discord server is pretty cool <3

24-09-2022 14:26
We have a discord server!

24-09-2022 13:54
i miss 2012 and playing mc after school and not having to worry bout a thing :' Wink

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joshvp99 March 26 2014 21:08:59
havetn been on minecraft for more then an hour since zwinkie closed, i popped into deaths once and renovated my cave.
Heroox March 26 2014 20:11:54
The site is pretty much dead, really suxs, but what about Death's server? I haven't been able to get online lately but I probably will be soon if it's still active. Smile
RoDrIxX March 26 2014 16:50:25
26 now josh Grin
Calbs001 March 25 2014 21:41:40
I gave up, in other words. I'm mostly just waiting on the final map
Calbs001 March 25 2014 21:41:21
I dounloaded a few of them but couldnt figure out how to use them =P
joshvp99 March 25 2014 21:36:52
Also calbs did you download the map for zwinkie 8?
joshvp99 March 25 2014 21:36:29
wow last poll 76 votes, new one 23
Calbs001 March 25 2014 21:02:04
I also remember: "Whats that swirly thing on the bow it has?" I'm glad those days are gone
Calbs001 March 25 2014 20:01:36
I remember that scenario exactly. I recall being so close to dying by a creeper.
VonFalkenhayn March 25 2014 11:13:28
Guardian Angel Pfft
joshvp99 March 25 2014 02:48:47
just posted a condensed version of my zwinkie life, a little late Pfft Also just noticed i have had the same forum avatar since i joined zwinkie Smile
joshvp99 March 25 2014 01:38:40
same Sad
GenNyan March 24 2014 23:51:15
I didn't even know that the hottest thread thing was able to have less than 5 things.
holypie44 March 24 2014 16:12:08
It was to be expected. @Gixin/Drake/Zedo
Coconola March 24 2014 13:50:18
I had a dream Zwinkie came back and thought it was real
VonFalkenhayn March 24 2014 11:24:49
I think most people left when zwinkie closed
mydraketo March 24 2014 09:35:44
Yeah, it is.. :C
Gixin1083 March 24 2014 02:32:37
I feel like the site traffic is starting to get very low :/
MoonZay March 24 2014 01:12:37
well, basically, i just sit around do nothing. One day, hoping to wake up and found out zwinkie is back online. That is the time i will start play back minecraft
GenNyan March 23 2014 15:55:09
There isn't anyone to click dissappear because the poll came a little too late
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Started: 27.04.23

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