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March 16 2014 17:01:40
Most of us are hanging out at death's server, Moon. Come join us ;D ask death if he can whitelist you somewhere =P
March 16 2014 15:20:15
@MoonZay at my server or deaththethri's server..
March 16 2014 14:34:29
@_@ now where can i play minecraft? LOL
March 14 2014 22:15:07
404: Error
_Your Haiku could not be found
_Try again later
March 14 2014 09:06:25
cyan wad zwinkie closed b4 i think it was but it got up aggain
i hope it gets a new heartbeat someday i loved the server cya arround 
March 14 2014 02:01:52
Yeah, thanks for being a nuisance. I remember banning you.
March 14 2014 00:46:46
Zwinkie was amazing, even after the map resets. But I've moved on by now. But thanks for the username, CyanLights! I used it for a while before moving from CyanLights to Elucidator.
March 13 2014 08:30:55
Thanks for leaving site alive, but... what now :/
I think I got to go in Mineshafter and browse trough thousands of terrible or pretty bad servers...
Oh well, everything good ends at some point.
March 13 2014 00:41:22
Yay! Well I hope I can stay in touch on the site! I was a little scared it would also close!
March 12 2014 20:59:17
everyone add me on facebook my name is:Marin Dulabic; i have a black picture as a profile picture
March 12 2014 20:34:48
happy birthday uber ;o
March 12 2014 20:24:33
Happy Birthday to Uber ^_^!
March 11 2014 22:28:35
March 11 2014 19:48:56
Zwinkie was my first ever proper server I played on, it brought me up through the game and my single greatest regret is that I didn't play as much as I should of.
March 11 2014 13:32:38
wazup everyone im sad that the server ended i would love play more but we cant force people to keep the server online
March 11 2014 08:13:06
Of course I come back 2 days after the server shuts down.
March 11 2014 00:44:59
March 10 2014 21:58:44
At all.
March 10 2014 21:58:32
I don't find it funny.
March 10 2014 21:01:53
Oh you are just evil.