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April 15 2014 00:39:05
thats nice gen...
April 14 2014 09:01:07
@Poll Other: I create YouTube videos these days (successful) and play multiplayer in COD MW3 and GTA IV
April 14 2014 08:49:03
It was an achievement for me to overcome my addiction now server is closed forever...
April 14 2014 04:18:54
plantations always survive the storm of locusts.
April 14 2014 04:18:11
@Josh: My little brother plays it... I think his potato warrior is maxed out on butter. Also his Garbanzo beans have made a huge dividend at the farmers market. Oh and Happy Birthday, may your corn
April 14 2014 02:49:59
i miss you zwinkie  (btw anyone play clash of clans? ios/android game)
April 14 2014 02:49:21
well, second time i havent had my brthday on zwinkie... first time was when the server went premium for that short period of time i believe, this time its when the server doesn't exist
April 12 2014 09:43:47
I will miss this server <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
April 11 2014 21:17:43
If you ever reply to me on skype, I'll say q.q
April 11 2014 15:08:06
also what channel shall me meet? :3
April 11 2014 12:25:06
Holy i have DN running well. Can i add you as a friend?
April 11 2014 11:52:54
*Licks Zedo*
April 10 2014 21:52:29
Its josh his birthday 
Happy birthday josh
April 10 2014 20:50:57
Happy Birthday Josh... I knew it.
April 10 2014 02:42:49
Thank god you found out, imnot. I was wondering where you were.
April 10 2014 02:21:17
Wow just found out the server closed, that's depressing. Now I've gotta find a new vanilla server to bother.
April 10 2014 01:23:44
sooo anyone got a game that is multiplayer that run on sucky computers (like 1gb ram, 1.66ghz C2Dou) that you play? (that isnt MC)
April 09 2014 23:42:24
I play Dragon Nest with Surisan and Nireas.
We are on SEA tho.
April 09 2014 19:32:17
Hi Zwinkers! If anyone of you who plays DragonNest please let me know! We could create are own group for the Zwinkie members..
April 09 2014 18:57:46
I just finished half-life 2 episode 2... Now i want half-life 3...