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23-12-2024 17:33

21-05-2024 13:14
2024 @_@

15-12-2023 02:04
howdy partners Grin

03-12-2023 17:05
Hey guys! How’s everyone doing? <3

24-07-2023 04:05
wow, this place is still alive?! hi everyone, miss the minecraft days <3

25-09-2022 03:48
the discord server is pretty cool <3

24-09-2022 14:26
We have a discord server!

24-09-2022 13:54
i miss 2012 and playing mc after school and not having to worry bout a thing :' Wink

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Our Staff

ZwinkieMC Staff

Genva - Normally found flying around the map generating reports of hackers on the server, Genva is our founder and all-round code monkey and so usually appears whenever the server runs into technical difficulty, only nowdays it's actual technical difficulty and not his need for streaming debatable and rather horrifying videos. EngelsFlugal - Another rare sight is Genva's companion, co-founder and personality counter-balance Engel. A sweeter person you will not meet; always interested in what's going on and willing to help out. She has a mean streak though which appears when she's confronted with rubbish architecture. When this occurs you are advised to get as far away as possible before the world hole appears.
Aly9 - Along with Cyan and Pho Aly nicely balances out Cyan's "get the job done" and Pho's "must derp harder" attitudes in the CAP team. Friendly, funny, sensible and down to earth, the server's resident cave-man is always happy to help. Helps with the back end stuff but mainly oversees community, staff and world management CyanLights - Without this man the server and website would cease to function, so for the love of the holy confection DO NOT piss him off. Not without his special brand of humor he is usually found riding around on member's heads or trying to trap staff in bedrock cages. Implicated in several terrorist plots to blow up certain structures should a certain animal be killed, he should not be approached with requests to protect your house as he is as lightly to move it to the next biome as he is to refer you to a more applicable member of staff. Plugin, community, staff, site, world and financial manager are all positions this Juggernaut fills.
Cpl_Koeksuster - A man of great initiative and great integrity, Cpl effectively led the staff team as head GM before being promoted to Owner. Serious, but never too busy for a good joke, his aptitude to learn and get the job done while staying level headed is an admirable trait that makes him stand out from the crowd. Undoubtedly one of the most objective and unbiased people on the server. ThePhoenix75 - As the derpiest member of the CAP team, Pho spends his days either building or trolling everyone within reach. Mainly involved in community and world management.
21blue64 - Blue is an archaic member of our community that has been around for a very long time. (see: Richard from LOST) Very friendly but above all ambitious, blue is responsible for many of the great buildings that have been constructed over the past maps, including RBC tower, the HQ for the building contractor firm. Further, blue is a great person to talk to for an objective and logical opinion on anything. grinnripper - Another long-time Vereran, grinn is arguably one of the most articulate and detail-oriented builders the server has ever seen. Not without his wit nor great sense of ambition, he has created marvelous structures spanning all of our maps.
SPX300 - GM and goofball extraordinaire. SPX is a man with a kind heart and a good head on his shoulders. Though often busy, he has helped the server immensely as part of the staff team. Cyan often tests new trolling tests on him, causing epic server-wide chases of Owner and GM. VoidBlade - A quiet but nice GM who is willing to help anyone that asks. Void has built some great structures and mini-games for the server on top of helping with moderation.
Lanayru3 - When we need a miscreant brought to justice we call Liz. When we need them dead, we call Lana. Lana is quite simply one of the scariest players the server has ever seen wield a sword. On the flip side, she's also a very mellow character with the greatest vocabulary in emoticons anyone here can remember. Highly observant, Lana is often the first to detect something amiss or pick up on someone suppressing distress. She carries out community, site and world management with a blistering degree of competence. gagaga2 - A GM. gaga is famous for building floating sand temples and good structures. He handles moderation and community management.
lizziebarnette - Liz is one of our most active mods; always friendly, caring and willing to help. She's combat tested against x-ray, spam, IP spoofing and griefing and is one of the more lethal weapons we deploy against threats to the server. Lethalness aside, she's a very likeable person and is always up for a game of MA or simply a chat. Responsible for community, minor world and site management. fortifie - A newer member of the MODs, fort is a quiet fellow who is always friendly and up for the next task. As a MOD, he helps keep the community in order.
nireas13 - Nireas is characterized by his unwavering drive to help other players in whatever they need, be it advice, his opinion, anti-griefing or quite literally anything else. One of the only members of staff almost permanently attached to a microphone, he can be found in the teamspeak channel at times near 2am either exchanging friendly banter with holy (holypie44) or just trading youtube links and music. Utterly committed and very brave, this man will do all he can to solve any problem you may encounter, even if that means he has to learn a new skill himself. His duties include community, minor world and site management. zaavorak - Commonly called "za" or "zaav", zaavorak is a old member of the community from the same era as 21blue64 and grinnripper. He is a witty person with a good sense of humor who is also a very good listener. His is a rare breed of funny guy and "real".

Renders by ubersop, copy by Cpl_Koeksuster and graphics by CyanLights

#1 | SPX300 on December 25 2012 03:56:53
for the love of the holy confection DO NOT piss him off
challenge accepted*
This is a nice job indeed.
#2 | nikkit98 on December 25 2012 04:31:42
Wow these are very accurate.. But what about Uber and holy and a few others Smile Plus iv lived to tell the tale of a Pissed off Cyan Since Iv done it many a times... Wink Cyan is one of those people i just cant help but piss off.. Other than that I think i get along well with the rest of the staff members Smile
#3 | Nireas570 on December 25 2012 16:38:21
Who wrote these?
Excelent job.
Some Staff are missing though
Also, my name is not with a capital N.
#4 | lizziebarnette on December 27 2012 23:08:21

I thought I taught you people better Frown
#5 | Nireas570 on December 30 2012 18:56:29
#6 | Alex35012 on January 04 2013 05:02:18
Fortifie looks like he's posing as the Flash
#7 | Fortifie on January 25 2013 03:33:41
maybe i am Pfft
#8 | joshvp99 on February 02 2013 18:07:43
and AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAL the other mods Sad
#9 | MCGaming_Lloyd on August 03 2013 13:13:25
Where is mydraketo, Surisan, Ubersop, GenNyan, AnthonyValles13 and Ynot100??
#10 | AndreSalgado on February 20 2014 11:55:22
I see I was forgotten... Frown
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