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23-12-2024 17:33

21-05-2024 13:14
2024 @_@

15-12-2023 02:04
howdy partners Grin

03-12-2023 17:05
Hey guys! How’s everyone doing? <3

24-07-2023 04:05
wow, this place is still alive?! hi everyone, miss the minecraft days <3

25-09-2022 03:48
the discord server is pretty cool <3

24-09-2022 14:26
We have a discord server!

24-09-2022 13:54
i miss 2012 and playing mc after school and not having to worry bout a thing :' Wink

Shoutbox Archive
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minitote64 March 23 2014 04:46:19
death, white list me pls
Ynot100 March 23 2014 02:16:25
Edit: without zwinkie, minecraft is either tekkit or pixelmon.
Ynot100 March 23 2014 02:14:13
Seriously, what is minecraft without zwinkie. I will probably fade as a minecraft player......I hope to pop in every now and then.
Calbs001 March 22 2014 01:35:17
Other: Eat, sleep, etc.. But seriously, I'm quitting MC and I'll probably focus on school stuff from now on.
Calbs001 March 22 2014 01:31:52
I'm unable to find mine, because the shoutbox Archive only goes to page 6 now. But thats not what I expected you to say, Gen ;o
GenNyan March 22 2014 00:25:44
"If you can read this, get a life" ~My first shout/post/ anything on the site. It still applies, just in case you guys were wondering.
belegija March 21 2014 17:30:56
death could you whitelist me on your server? I'm sure someone can vouch for me.
JoseA1999 March 19 2014 15:19:21
@Cyan well damn, I might have been gone longer, well that was a nice run Grin
MrTrollButt March 19 2014 09:07:30 JI
narahs March 19 2014 06:44:37
@CyanLights. The zwinkie map (ender) is broken. It generates another world but not the end.
GenNyan March 19 2014 02:20:40
The poll isn't closed yet.
joshvp99 March 19 2014 00:52:01
and the last poll during the zwinkie server life had 76
VonFalkenhayn March 17 2014 23:24:49
Josh the first poll ever on zwinkie had 75 votes >_>
joshvp99 March 17 2014 22:06:25
wow, dat poll, probs the highest amount of votes ever...
CyanLights March 17 2014 17:28:10
I gave a two week notice.
JoseA1999 March 17 2014 17:09:17
D: Im gone for a week or so and the server is shut down o7 So, hi death can you plz whitelist me :3 IGN JoeDaDerp
SeaLion March 17 2014 15:12:35
Death whitelist me Pfft
joshvp99 March 16 2014 19:40:54
wow we have 2.43gb of EXTRA worlds... We are awesome
CyanLights March 16 2014 17:15:58
I'm working on getting the main survival world uploaded, it's just very large and I will have to do it over night.
CyanLights March 16 2014 17:15:31
@UPDATE I have uploaded some of the worlds from the map. Download them here:
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Started: 27.04.23

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