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April 04 2014 07:02:22
pfftch, tarnished coast, go yak's bend o/
April 04 2014 02:31:18
April 03 2014 21:26:55
April 03 2014 21:18:33
@Heroox - I play on Tarnished Coast (NA). I'm already in a fairly large guild though.
April 01 2014 14:29:51
If you would share it on facebook then maybe we could gather a group of players to play with.  I actually used to play GW2 when it was released.
April 01 2014 14:27:37
Couuldn't agree any less, no zwinkie = no minecraft; however, I'll try playing some on Death's server.
And @Cat, what server do you play on?
April 01 2014 08:17:13
@Poll - There is no Minecraft without Zwinkie. Not for me, anyway. I'll spend what free time I have in Guild Wars 2. This game's pretty much done for me.
April 01 2014 06:12:23
death please whitelist me.
March 31 2014 22:51:37
March 30 2014 18:17:32
Not until now
March 30 2014 14:01:13
You've not heard of elder scrolls online? ;o
March 30 2014 02:49:04
Never heard of it and probably won't play it.
March 29 2014 20:45:45
@The 29 people left: If anyone's planning on playing ESO, I'll most likely be in the dawnbreaker campaign of the Aldmeri dominion.
March 29 2014 00:40:05
What a night
March 28 2014 08:46:52
March 28 2014 00:18:17
basicly the forum is jsut the shout box now 
March 28 2014 00:12:43
actually calbs, a orca's dorsal fin is pretty long, my problem with it is the eye placement.
March 26 2014 23:40:38
I'm pretty sure the finn or whatever coming out of his back isn't supposed to be that high
March 26 2014 23:38:58
@lizz That's cool.
March 26 2014 22:23:15