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23-12-2024 17:33

21-05-2024 13:14
2024 @_@

15-12-2023 02:04
howdy partners Grin

03-12-2023 17:05
Hey guys! How’s everyone doing? <3

24-07-2023 04:05
wow, this place is still alive?! hi everyone, miss the minecraft days <3

25-09-2022 03:48
the discord server is pretty cool <3

24-09-2022 14:26
We have a discord server!

24-09-2022 13:54
i miss 2012 and playing mc after school and not having to worry bout a thing :' Wink

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LovePotion April 24 2014 05:20:08
MoonZay April 22 2014 15:52:30
honestly, around 2 mionth time i can fully sponser zwinkie. But i need some man force to take care of the server. my gmt is way diff than the majority in here.
joshvp99 April 22 2014 03:28:36
dans les forums (in the forums)
u2late April 22 2014 00:34:22
Where can I find them?
holypie44 April 21 2014 15:28:10
You're 2 late u2late. Try sticking with one of the existing servers that other members of Zwinkie have made.
u2late April 21 2014 00:11:07
Thinking of making a server! Anyone who can help me build it pls contact me! Smile
u2late April 21 2014 00:10:31
Goodbye Zwinkie. You will always be in our hearts! Smile
Xenon_TNT April 20 2014 22:33:56
Waiting for Watch Dogs.. Smile will be one of the best game for sure. Playing Counter Strike and GTA IV these days
Xenon_TNT April 20 2014 22:26:44
OMG you want to take the serer O_0
Neil April 18 2014 21:52:39
Hello everyone random person that pops bye, even though i got banned this was a very amazing server and i will never forget it..when i get a job i hope someone will be here so i can take the server in
mydraketo April 18 2014 06:09:27
it's slightly under a month to my second year
King24 April 18 2014 03:51:31
The day I joined zwinkie was april 18.... And today is April 18, its been a year....
King24 April 18 2014 03:50:25
Calbs001 April 17 2014 14:57:19
I suggest finding another way to contact death, chemay; he's banned from the forums.
VonFalkenhayn April 17 2014 12:35:00
Imnotcrazy I sent you a friend request.
Best_7 April 16 2014 14:34:31
Add me on Steam...... LiskMineNe, especially to those who still remember me ^.^
holypie44 April 15 2014 22:33:30
Silkie, get skype >___<
Calbs001 April 15 2014 20:53:02
One year ago, on this day, I joined Zwinkie. Smile
SilkieWiki April 15 2014 07:05:26
Although don't play anymore. still sad to zwinkie close :'(
imnotcrazy777 April 15 2014 01:00:26
My Steam is the same as my forum + ingame name, add me if you guys want to play Gmod or something. -Put a message or something as well, so I don't think you're a random.
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