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May 01 2014 19:03:15
I'm surprised some of you still communicate in the shoutbox tbh.
May 01 2014 00:35:59
hey asian, nice to see the oldies still remember us 
April 30 2014 23:49:33
zedo i do have skype and for anyone else who can help me get ahold of death its (orejon2643) or try (el mero mero )
April 30 2014 21:31:58
Hi guys, AsianRaisen, member of Zwinkie for the longest time, Former GM. Sad to see that the server has gone to ashes... Wish I was around to say good bye to everyone
April 30 2014 18:28:34
What happened to Nub?! Its been a long long time! C O M E B A C K N U B !
April 30 2014 15:18:01
Nub ._.
April 30 2014 02:16:57
i miss nub...
April 30 2014 00:49:59
So whats gonna happen now that its gone? 
April 29 2014 21:44:54
Its online for me
April 29 2014 18:43:01
Well is Death's server online for you then?...
April 29 2014 15:46:48
Heroox you are whitelisted a long time ago xD
And Orejon do you have skype?
April 29 2014 11:53:59
I am whitelisted, however, it's not online? It' not for me atleast...
April 29 2014 04:40:46
April 29 2014 00:41:16
how do i get ahold of him
April 28 2014 18:14:07
You have to ask death to get whitelisted
April 28 2014 02:18:44
how do i get whitlest in deaths server
April 28 2014 00:00:06
Deaths server u need whitest if u don't already have it
April 27 2014 15:51:08
What servers made by Zwinkie members are online? I gotten more free time lately and thought of joining you guys for a bit. 
April 26 2014 04:42:40
If you've heard of the mod Pixelmon for Minecraft, and want to try it, come play with me. Check out the new thread in Discussion.
April 25 2014 20:02:21