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July 14 2014 02:22:18
Dammit Neil ._.
I thought I was your role model 
July 13 2014 12:20:33
butt butt butt butt butt butt butt butt
July 12 2014 22:41:59
Pimples everywhere?
July 12 2014 16:33:57
Im going through, duh Duh DUH!!! Puberty D:
July 11 2014 20:35:33
Welp. Cyan and Aly were my parents. Phoenix was my uncle. And there's Holypie.
Is CPL my cousin, or my sibling?
July 11 2014 17:59:52
Not gonna lie all the staff from here rubbed off on me except numbe ._. dont tell him i said that either =3
July 11 2014 12:13:51
I am choking on spaghetti.
My role model was Blue. Weird how I turned out nothing like him.
July 10 2014 18:33:31
He was my role model when I was a noobie :3
July 10 2014 04:43:34
Hai gen you were my role model when i was a mod  . Dont tell Zedo i said that though ._.
July 10 2014 01:08:19
I guess you were looking for what he says after the girl dies?
July 09 2014 18:33:09
Yes... Yes it is
July 09 2014 16:19:26
So I was digging around some voice files in skyrim, and extracted a few. Is it weird that there is now a folder called 'malechild' on my desktop?
July 09 2014 15:46:17
July 09 2014 03:36:11
I fell in love with Monster Hunter 3
July 08 2014 13:00:14
McProhosting is really cheap xD you can make a sever and play on it for 30 dollars a year o.o
July 08 2014 12:57:34
Calbs put more ram into mc  if you don't know how to do it go into your launcher click edit profile then when you see Xmx1G Change it to another number, like 3 or something .-.
July 07 2014 15:22:52
whats happened to the server I used to play on and beloved I have known it for 4 years and its been shut down GG zwinkie GG
July 07 2014 09:48:49
Mine restarts in under 10 seconds. SSD FTW!
July 06 2014 16:46:15
It takes 30 minutes for me to restart my computer lol
July 06 2014 05:30:34
Just restart your Computer/Laptop.
Works for me :{