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June 26 2014 14:37:03
Is there still a chance that the latest map will be uploaded? I want to play at my house and finish it 
June 26 2014 02:21:48
Cyan said there is a slim possibility.
June 24 2014 23:06:25
Just asking though is there any possibility that the server will run again in the future? i mean give me hope or just kill it....xD
June 24 2014 22:57:42
I know how you feel i wish i could do the same i mean it would be amazing to start the server again.But the point is that the server will run more smoothly with it's old owners.
June 24 2014 22:51:37
Sorry, but no.
June 24 2014 01:52:58
I know it's illegal but I'm asking for perms I'm not gonna make or ask someone to make a server without perms from them
June 23 2014 13:24:59
Yes i have to agree with Nulgath it's kinda illegal to open a server with the same map i mean it can't be..
June 23 2014 12:05:58
You can't Neil.
By downloading this file you accept that this map is just for the single player mode of Minecraft. You are not allowed to host this map on your own or on another server.
June 22 2014 23:18:39
Might as well change my name because the ign arent needed anymore ;-;
June 22 2014 23:07:14
I shall never have hope again to stay on a server for a while anymore... too many servers i think about playing on everyday but the painful memory of it closing always stings.
June 22 2014 23:05:23
Hm, I wonder if they can let us you know... use the map and maybe someone can make a server, and if not it will be a fresh map. If anyone knows how to make a server help me ;-;
June 21 2014 13:45:56
A missing part of are heart is berried deep inside.Who knows it might come on light for once again to give us hope! 
June 21 2014 03:50:06
Have to agree with Nub. I can't enjoy the game without you guys anymore.
June 20 2014 17:56:37
It seems like on every server i go on and have fun shuts down.... heres a list of servers that shut down prob because they dont like my face... =(
Zwinkie, ModernPvp , Bending empires all of them
June 20 2014 14:14:59
Cant wait for 1.8 to come.
June 20 2014 09:11:33
I only play in the Zwinkie server. I can't imagine myself making an effort to update Minecraft without Zwinkie anytime soon. The update does sound fun, though.
June 20 2014 06:39:42
I love inspecting the elements of zwinkie.
June 19 2014 19:53:23
Sounds legit. maybe ill have to open minecraft again to see these stuffs.
June 19 2014 18:41:49
Everything will roll quit good.if they don't make any mistake....i hope so... but it sound really cool 
June 19 2014 17:53:17
Haha, well I actually talked about underwater cities and temples not too long ago while I was online. I think it would be a great addition. 