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23-12-2024 17:33

21-05-2024 13:14
2024 @_@

15-12-2023 02:04
howdy partners Grin

03-12-2023 17:05
Hey guys! How’s everyone doing? <3

24-07-2023 04:05
wow, this place is still alive?! hi everyone, miss the minecraft days <3

25-09-2022 03:48
the discord server is pretty cool <3

24-09-2022 14:26
We have a discord server!

24-09-2022 13:54
i miss 2012 and playing mc after school and not having to worry bout a thing :' Wink

Shoutbox Archive
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Calbs001 July 05 2014 22:06:48
When I played minecraft my fps wwould rarely be above 20 and never above 30...
Chemay July 05 2014 16:57:52
If my Fps is below 30 I freak out
Ravenged July 05 2014 12:32:43
Dear god, I will miss Zwinkie.
Neil July 05 2014 05:18:03
Of course 78 mods brings my computer to its knees some only can get 42 fps normally Pfft
Neil July 05 2014 05:17:14
Funny you say pie because I made a custom mod pack with 78 mods in it o.o and I use the "minegicka" mod the most
holypie44 July 04 2014 23:36:58
Has anybody been playing Magicka: Wizard Wars? If so, tell me. inb4 never heard of that.
Chemay July 04 2014 22:23:54
Neil July 04 2014 17:49:36
joshvp99 July 04 2014 00:53:06
mydraketo July 03 2014 09:19:30
Nulgath July 03 2014 02:04:48
2x Hai
Calbs001 July 02 2014 23:35:16
Calbs001 July 02 2014 23:35:16
Neil July 02 2014 21:18:43
Chemay teach me how to dougie .-.
Neil July 02 2014 21:17:15
Um ok. My favorite type of cookie is double chocolate chip Smile
Chemay July 02 2014 20:55:55
Drake! ;D teach me moo
mydraketo July 02 2014 15:52:32
Rod! ;D teach me español
RoDrIxX July 02 2014 04:34:08
Start it. I dare you.
Neil June 30 2014 21:00:52
If not ill start the topic.
Neil June 30 2014 21:00:20
Hm, i think its time for someone to bring up a topic. By this time tomorrow id like a topic to be talked about by everyone Smile
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