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23-12-2024 17:33

21-05-2024 13:14
2024 @_@

15-12-2023 02:04
howdy partners Grin

03-12-2023 17:05
Hey guys! How’s everyone doing? <3

24-07-2023 04:05
wow, this place is still alive?! hi everyone, miss the minecraft days <3

25-09-2022 03:48
the discord server is pretty cool <3

24-09-2022 14:26
We have a discord server!

24-09-2022 13:54
i miss 2012 and playing mc after school and not having to worry bout a thing :' Wink

Shoutbox Archive
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Cpt_Smile June 30 2014 20:36:42
The situation that i can't understand what are you guys talk about it's really fascinating. Smile
holypie44 June 30 2014 02:23:58
:* By the way I merged some of your posts together. It doesn't look that good, but yeah..
Neil June 30 2014 02:01:36
Ugh why pie you made me a korra addict now :[
Chemay June 30 2014 01:35:09
I like carrot juice :{
Neil June 30 2014 00:40:43
dammit i typed too slow =P Hai Nulgath >.> Same with holypie ._.
Neil June 30 2014 00:28:37
OMG, the universe answered my prayer(Didnt really pray =I) Theres a free server host now =O
holypie44 June 29 2014 22:32:09
prove it
Chemay June 29 2014 21:09:42
BTW, this was about 4 years ago
Chemay June 29 2014 21:07:41
https://www.youtu...iTsVzDer_Y Im the kid in the blue and black shirt (1:08)
Heroox June 29 2014 10:38:45
Tyty, awzum! Grin
holypie44 June 29 2014 01:07:16
http://www.nwanim...nime/3800/ I watch it from there.
Heroox June 29 2014 00:53:57
Dude! Share the link! Grin
holypie44 June 28 2014 21:34:13
Legend of Korra book 3 is out.
Xenon_TNT June 28 2014 20:43:25
I am playing Watch DOgs these days any body want to play ith me atleast I want, my games for live gamertg is Punisher4612
Xenon_TNT June 28 2014 20:40:41
calbs u was making fun of me in start Pfft anyways good for me Have a nice day friends.
Xenon_TNT June 28 2014 20:40:00
Wassup friends a msg for Calbs and Zedo pls forward to them He frnds I am happy to tel you that I wam very sucsful utubr now and earned more then around 250$ till now which was just 3$ in start Pfft and
Chemay June 27 2014 18:59:59
Garage Burglary! Ahhh!
Heroox June 27 2014 15:33:51
I gave up after a while cuz there isn't any good enough around. Instead I have started playing FF!4, kinda fun actually. Smile
belegija June 27 2014 04:10:28
ffs cannot find even remotely similar minecraft server to zwinkie...*frustrated*
madgamer_666 June 26 2014 21:22:41
Hey there bruhz, still people talking here huh?
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