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23-12-2024 17:33

21-05-2024 13:14
2024 @_@

15-12-2023 02:04
howdy partners Grin

03-12-2023 17:05
Hey guys! How’s everyone doing? <3

24-07-2023 04:05
wow, this place is still alive?! hi everyone, miss the minecraft days <3

25-09-2022 03:48
the discord server is pretty cool <3

24-09-2022 14:26
We have a discord server!

24-09-2022 13:54
i miss 2012 and playing mc after school and not having to worry bout a thing :' Wink

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Neil May 31 2014 01:06:38
Yea i do calbs :/
narahs May 30 2014 15:06:57
Does anyone play attack of the b-team? Grin
Ty533 May 30 2014 00:21:57
Man it feels boring I can't find anything to do :/ meh
Nulgath May 29 2014 21:51:28
Bf3 free forever on origin get it now
VonFalkenhayn May 29 2014 21:03:03
;_; Then I would be the richest guy by far
Nulgath May 29 2014 20:50:02
I would love to turn you into bacon and eat you.
xTheBeastx May 29 2014 19:17:22
LOOOL Yep....I'm actually sick right now D: If I die you can have my beacons ;~;
VonFalkenhayn May 29 2014 14:59:22
Yanniclord May 29 2014 14:42:19
So where is the download for the map that was used before the server went down??
xTheBeastx May 28 2014 19:51:58
Nulgath May 28 2014 14:11:20
Today is my birthday Grin
Chemay May 27 2014 21:28:39
My life has been in a deep depression ever since the server shut down, and yesterday I saw multiple chuwhuahua's having ... You know, a good time. It was disturbing, added on to my depression
wittisy May 27 2014 14:42:01
Please,enjoy time while you can,not saying I am experiencing crap now,but I know I will when I enter Uni
PyroFoxBoy May 26 2014 05:58:54
Oh... Just wait until you get out of high school. That'll be some fun times.
Chemay May 25 2014 22:10:46
When I was little me was like, nope, when I turn into a teenager I will never do those things that they do ._.
naurtokitten101 May 25 2014 22:08:41
Going to apply for helper in mineplex
Nulgath May 25 2014 21:02:56
Like most 12 year olds, thinking you have big problems in life. In 2-4 years you will look back, see and realize how those weren't so big after all.
Chemay May 25 2014 19:43:55
I actually am 12, but still I'm too old for any of lifes crap, and im going through some thick crap
Calbs001 May 25 2014 18:22:59
he's 10 unless he's had a birthday lately
joshvp99 May 25 2014 03:17:50
you are what, 12? Pfft
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