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23-12-2024 17:33

21-05-2024 13:14
2024 @_@

15-12-2023 02:04
howdy partners Grin

03-12-2023 17:05
Hey guys! How’s everyone doing? <3

24-07-2023 04:05
wow, this place is still alive?! hi everyone, miss the minecraft days <3

25-09-2022 03:48
the discord server is pretty cool <3

24-09-2022 14:26
We have a discord server!

24-09-2022 13:54
i miss 2012 and playing mc after school and not having to worry bout a thing :' Wink

Shoutbox Archive
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Heroox September 26 2014 14:00:13
If anyone here plays Destiny on Ps4 hit me up! Same name as always, Heroox! Hope to see some friend requests. Smile
Chemay September 25 2014 16:33:36
joshvp99 September 24 2014 03:06:22
so, sup?
Neil September 23 2014 20:55:10
Its been a while cool game chemay Grin
holypie44 September 23 2014 16:50:40
I'd like to make one but I kinda liked the last one I made so I'd like to keep it to that.
joshvp99 September 23 2014 02:38:24
it looks better gen Pfft
GenNyan September 22 2014 01:08:52
I... am still alive. I see the poll is only doing mildly worse than when the server was up.
ignis08 September 18 2014 16:45:45
I played minecraft today... and had no idea what was happening. I stopped playing before they added horses...
Chemay September 18 2014 01:47:00
Check out my new game!!! (ITS IN MAJOR DEVELOPMENT) http://gamejolt.c...ast/34545/
bretteb1 September 17 2014 22:41:47
I miss you guys!!!! D':
joshvp99 September 14 2014 18:58:09
I can't migrate if i dont have the orginal email or the MC giftcode and my inbox doesnt have the giftcode anymore so i was wondering if u still have it in ur outbox
joshvp99 September 14 2014 18:57:04
silkie when the server went premium for a while was it you who gave me the MC giftcode? because I dont have acsess to the email i originally made my account on, and that means i can't migrate if i
holypie44 September 13 2014 16:36:58
I've already added you on skype. Once you get on there I'll give you meh fbs
SilkieWiki September 13 2014 13:54:51
Ah fair enough if you look up silkiewiki it should come up anyways. If not I can add you on fb, pm me details on forums or in shout
Chemay September 12 2014 17:35:09
I'm taking Spanish! D: THE HORROR
holypie44 September 11 2014 22:28:16
At least the one you made back in the day
holypie44 September 11 2014 22:28:01
I am most of the times on. It's always on invisible You could just send me a message to check ya know. Also, that's not your skype. Your skype had yer real name :/
SilkieWiki September 11 2014 12:39:28
you're never on skype, did you get a new username? mines still silkiewiki
holypie44 September 11 2014 11:36:37
It's called get your bumms on skype you potato.
SilkieWiki September 11 2014 09:16:36
hey guys, is there a server y'all still play on?
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Did you actually purchased Minecraft?

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Votes: 4
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Started: 27.04.23

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