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October 22 2014 00:49:12
October 21 2014 03:31:29
u should get dota 2 and ull never need another game in ur life
October 21 2014 00:55:30
So what games do i get? tf2, my friends want me to get dota and war thunder. What other free game should i get?
October 21 2014 00:06:54
getting a new comp on weds, i can play free video games with you all now! tf2 here i come!
October 19 2014 05:12:51
Today, I was a fly
October 16 2014 23:53:34
question, it says we can fill the black hole with literally anything, but what i want to fill it with metaphorically anything? Also is it possible to fill a black hole?
October 14 2014 23:17:58
October 14 2014 13:59:14
The poll right now is completely balanced. I will now commence the summoning.
October 14 2014 01:55:35
hi josh
October 14 2014 01:37:42
hi zedo
October 12 2014 21:43:11
October 11 2014 05:02:30
October 11 2014 02:39:55
or nah
October 10 2014 21:37:44
We should change up the website a bit, such as more themes and a page dedicated to shouts, speaking that shouting is probably the most done thing on the website.
October 10 2014 11:38:32
Hii boys
October 10 2014 00:30:29
Zwinkie shut down 7 months ago.... CONNECTIONZZZ?????
October 10 2014 00:14:01
Contacted a former crush I had back in elementary school.. 7 months ago. They haven't replied, I wont give up 
October 08 2014 21:32:59
Big Booty.
October 07 2014 00:55:20
October 06 2014 20:01:47
I hope I get both options voted exactly the same. Clown is going to win most likely though