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23-12-2024 17:33

21-05-2024 13:14
2024 @_@

15-12-2023 02:04
howdy partners Grin

03-12-2023 17:05
Hey guys! How’s everyone doing? <3

24-07-2023 04:05
wow, this place is still alive?! hi everyone, miss the minecraft days <3

25-09-2022 03:48
the discord server is pretty cool <3

24-09-2022 14:26
We have a discord server!

24-09-2022 13:54
i miss 2012 and playing mc after school and not having to worry bout a thing :' Wink

Shoutbox Archive
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Chemay November 12 2014 19:04:48
Check out my games on !!!!!!! I'm back into programming!
noobkiller670 November 07 2014 09:28:52
yo guys Noobkiller670 back yay :3 most of you musnt remenber me oh well
Chemay November 06 2014 18:59:49
Same here brothuh Shock
Nubme November 06 2014 18:32:20
Just realized that I never even had the chance to walk down the staircase from Spawn. Shock
holypie44 November 06 2014 17:17:35
If anyone received a message from me on Steam asking for a trade and offering a link. Please ignore that. A virus sent that to all my friends on steam. I lowered my guard. Apologies!
Chemay November 05 2014 15:20:36
Guys, My friend and I came out with a new Youtube channel called Z TheCreeperGamers. Check it out, if you have the time.
Neil November 04 2014 01:36:58
I wish i could turn back time to enjoy all my time on zwinkie ive never seen even 1/3 of the warps on Zedo's list.
joshvp99 November 01 2014 18:21:38
it makes me uber sad when i watch it
MisterTwister124 November 01 2014 15:24:03
Why do i keep repeating the Goodbye video everytime i visit, I miss zwinkie so Much. Will the server be open again when Cyan Graduates.
Chemay October 29 2014 15:05:19
Honestly, I like LoL better, just sayin' :3
Chemay October 29 2014 15:01:03
We all just need to meet up on... apparently Dota2, or LoL? Seems like you guys are having a debate.
Calbs001 October 28 2014 21:47:09
Nulgath October 28 2014 18:44:11
Wood V get on my level scrub
Calbs001 October 28 2014 01:02:45
lol > dota, indeed
Chemay October 27 2014 23:02:42
joshvp99 October 27 2014 00:43:55
belegija there is no factual basis for that, or vice versa, they are alike, but different games, u just prefer one more. Anyway, might get LoL too, not sure
Chemay October 27 2014 00:33:20
Saw that shout while installing dota ._.
belegija October 26 2014 22:54:24
lol > dota
joshvp99 October 23 2014 22:55:37
well the internet says dota and league came from the same mod and are very similar, and i dont know if i would wanna join league of losers...
Chemay October 22 2014 03:00:52
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