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September 11 2014 02:57:20
@calbs, dat bridge doh...
September 11 2014 02:00:49
September 09 2014 04:19:35
I forgot about this place for a while! XD
September 09 2014 00:28:16
On the bus ride to school last year, I used to pass a bridge that had the word "ace" spray painted onto the side..which reminded me of zwinkie. this year its replaces with "DEMON KIDS..
September 07 2014 04:12:38
Well paypal is still real money, but I meant cryptocurrency
September 07 2014 03:40:53
by online currency do you mean things like bit coins, or something like paypal
September 04 2014 06:30:32
I not only untrust online currency, but completely disagree with people using it.
September 03 2014 18:33:23
September 03 2014 14:47:19
cuz they closed the registration
September 03 2014 06:34:58
Although unfortunately it's been 6 months since the last member had joined.
September 03 2014 05:09:36
Im just amazed there are still new members joining the website o.0
September 03 2014 02:48:11
thisshoutbox is slowly getting less shoutier
August 31 2014 19:17:36
August 30 2014 18:38:44
August 29 2014 17:00:16
what server? o.0
August 29 2014 08:54:14
Hey guys im back.. Just checkd the server out .. and Its OPEN..Sadly its whitelisted -.-
August 27 2014 20:05:54
Theres never a reason to shout -Pops Regular Show.
August 24 2014 10:44:31
@Pie I liked mine XD
August 23 2014 18:42:50
indeed SPX
August 22 2014 17:14:05
I liked FilthyFrank's and Benedict's Cucumberpatch's