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23-12-2024 17:33

21-05-2024 13:14
2024 @_@

15-12-2023 02:04
howdy partners Grin

03-12-2023 17:05
Hey guys! How’s everyone doing? <3

24-07-2023 04:05
wow, this place is still alive?! hi everyone, miss the minecraft days <3

25-09-2022 03:48
the discord server is pretty cool <3

24-09-2022 14:26
We have a discord server!

24-09-2022 13:54
i miss 2012 and playing mc after school and not having to worry bout a thing :' Wink

Shoutbox Archive
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Xenon_TNT January 03 2015 18:57:56
Yo friends 'sup Just a sweet memory somewhere inside the mind and I am here to pay a visit. Wink God bless you all Smile
Calbs001 January 02 2015 20:49:35
finally on minecraft again for the first time in ages
Calbs001 January 02 2015 20:01:03
So mojang sends me an email saying my username is Calbs001... Then i try and use to log in and it doesnt work. pls
PyroFoxBoy January 02 2015 14:03:10
*votes the invisible No option on the poll* You never saw me. -slowly backs out and closes the door behind him-
narahs January 01 2015 14:21:03
Happy New Year!
mydraketo January 01 2015 01:55:52
GG new year guysh
Nireas570 January 01 2015 01:35:55
Happy new year! May it be a year full of success for you guys Wink
madgamer_666 January 01 2015 00:03:19
Happy New Year, you goofs!
RoDrIxX December 30 2014 15:06:32
dat pool vote
Nireas570 December 28 2014 20:45:37
holypie44 December 28 2014 14:29:33
Did someone say meth?
Calbs001 December 27 2014 17:01:10
wheres ninja to help me with gr10 math...
Chemay December 25 2014 17:41:37
Chemay December 24 2014 04:11:43
Im still out and about making games! my name is ChemayDC
joshvp99 December 20 2014 15:34:12
anyone play robocraft on steam? MC buulding style, but with like wings wheels hovers and guns, u build ur robot then fight with it Smile
joshvp99 December 19 2014 03:14:33
5 people were on today Smile
Nireas570 December 15 2014 22:43:44
Pole update, Onegai!
joshvp99 December 13 2014 16:15:29
King24 December 13 2014 14:39:09
If i reveal a big revelation, will i get banned? :3 Pfft
holypie44 December 13 2014 13:59:58
Tricked! <5
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Did you actually purchased Minecraft?

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Votes: 4
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Started: 27.04.23

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