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23-12-2024 17:33

21-05-2024 13:14
2024 @_@

15-12-2023 02:04
howdy partners Grin

03-12-2023 17:05
Hey guys! How’s everyone doing? <3

24-07-2023 04:05
wow, this place is still alive?! hi everyone, miss the minecraft days <3

25-09-2022 03:48
the discord server is pretty cool <3

24-09-2022 14:26
We have a discord server!

24-09-2022 13:54
i miss 2012 and playing mc after school and not having to worry bout a thing :' Wink

Shoutbox Archive
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Cpt_Smile January 19 2015 09:10:05
I bet my right [****] that she is a girl a mean have you heard a boy man or whatever use the word "Silly" Grin (Hint: I am joking)
Chemay January 19 2015 00:02:52
is pie... a ... guy pie
Aardwormpje January 18 2015 18:10:56
Chemay January 17 2015 21:34:34
holypie44 January 17 2015 03:35:45
Wow, how bold. You first need to ask me out, silly.
noden1 January 16 2015 12:01:26
Pie, let me eat you !!
Chemay January 13 2015 19:28:07
Is anyone good at video game art? I could use someone to make stuff for me.... for games....
holypie44 January 10 2015 21:07:42
Just lost at a magicka wizard wars tourney D:
Nireas570 January 10 2015 11:25:13
holypie44 January 08 2015 13:40:41
Don't make me beat you, noden.
noden1 January 08 2015 08:59:05
No one comes on Zwinkie anymore.. obviously, since zwinkie is just a zwinkie now, eventually nobody will be here. We can barely beat 5 members online at once now.
Nireas570 January 07 2015 21:05:41
Pie - Kun, poll poll chengi, onegai!
Chemay January 07 2015 18:18:47
zaavorak January 07 2015 17:02:05
I think I'm lost.
holypie44 January 06 2015 21:29:19
What if someone clicks yes?
Nubme January 06 2015 19:15:25
The poll is not a poll. We need one more choice for it to be a poll; Have you been on the site today? [X] Yes. [ ]Yes.
holypie44 January 06 2015 13:16:28
Nireas570 January 05 2015 18:26:44
We do. We are just silent
Chemay January 05 2015 18:03:27
No one comes on Zwinkie anymore... I wonder why?
Chemay January 04 2015 06:02:39
Thanks Xenon_TNT
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Did you actually purchased Minecraft?

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Started: 27.04.23

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