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January 26 2015 16:14:26
January 26 2015 03:43:37
January 24 2015 18:09:48
Beast fries. Ok
January 24 2015 16:29:29
January 24 2015 12:11:19
I want to eat fries! Which fries is the best fries?
January 24 2015 09:42:44
Heard you loud and clear.
January 23 2015 21:45:25
Free Steam key for this shit game called deadbits. You can at least sell the cards for some pocket change. First one gets it. Obviously.
January 23 2015 10:05:00
ArVa, why are you still alive ;_;
Been years you potato
January 22 2015 21:52:45
Are you fem or male
January 22 2015 12:06:11
Well there i am going to let you down know and that's because there is no point to get down to....sadly 
January 22 2015 05:51:44
Get down to the point.
January 21 2015 20:46:02
pies have sexes for sure, there is pewdiepie(male) and cutediepie (female).

January 21 2015 12:43:48
Well i am sure pies have sex appeal 
January 21 2015 05:45:41
omnomnomnomnom :I
January 20 2015 15:31:47
In this case, they do.
January 20 2015 12:40:53
Didn't know pies needed genders...
January 20 2015 07:09:51
He is a guy.....seriously
January 20 2015 03:44:46
So!?!?!?!? Guy Or Gal pie? and what kind?
January 19 2015 17:03:02
I know i just wanted to express my opinion,silly xD
January 19 2015 13:00:37
Silly is a normal word used by both sexes, silly.