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23-12-2024 17:33

21-05-2024 13:14
2024 @_@

15-12-2023 02:04
howdy partners Grin

03-12-2023 17:05
Hey guys! How’s everyone doing? <3

24-07-2023 04:05
wow, this place is still alive?! hi everyone, miss the minecraft days <3

25-09-2022 03:48
the discord server is pretty cool <3

24-09-2022 14:26
We have a discord server!

24-09-2022 13:54
i miss 2012 and playing mc after school and not having to worry bout a thing :' Wink

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joshvp99 March 06 2015 01:21:38
if u have a phone or tablet or device u have a camera and a mic Pfft
Calbs001 March 05 2015 23:40:43
lol also im pretty sure most of us have mics and cameras llol
VonFalkenhayn March 05 2015 22:56:07
Or you know, don't sell anyone into slavery and get your parents to the point they buy it for you. I'm sure they can appreciate that more then being sold into slavery ...
Chemay March 03 2015 06:24:15
Everyone, sell your parents into slavery then buy a mic and cam so we can SkypeCall with all of both everyones.
joshvp99 March 03 2015 02:21:12
You guys i can open a vanilla mc server up if enough of you are interested
VonFalkenhayn March 02 2015 01:25:54
Random me passing by. I just had to check Zwinkie after weeks of not doing so. Also I'd be all in favor of doing this skypecall thing ;-;
Calbs001 March 01 2015 22:41:19
Ynot100 February 27 2015 20:20:15
I just realized that it will have been an entire year without Zwinkie in 10 days.
Chemay February 26 2015 16:43:26
Ynot100 February 25 2015 22:34:35
-since then
Ynot100 February 25 2015 22:33:44
I have returned to the place that was once home to both myself, and to some of the greatest Mine-crafters I know........I played pixelmon for about a month after the fall of Z, and haven't played
Chemay February 24 2015 18:11:57
Let's do it!!! Grin
Chemay February 24 2015 16:08:32
I had a dream that we all were video chatting in skype.
joshvp99 February 23 2015 23:18:07
i have a vanilla server me and my school friend played on
Nulgath February 23 2015 20:32:17
What happened to death's server?
SilkieWiki February 23 2015 15:23:56
i agree, played on a few other servers none stack up to ol zwinkie. was fun whilst it lasted sigh.
King24 February 23 2015 14:08:33
Nireas570 February 22 2015 10:09:29
Sooo, who can try and make a vanilla server?
SPX300 February 22 2015 05:33:54
I just got a master race pc, and I can now play minecraft with shaders and looks so different. But I get bored after playing 10 minutes. I miss the old days of zwinkie.
holypie44 February 21 2015 22:30:47
Drugs are always an option. [No, it's not, don't.]
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