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August 13 2019 02:29:08
Hello! Its been 4 years since I last logged in
August 01 2019 01:09:47
I probably can, but I feel that if I do, I would break it
July 31 2019 18:04:16
Actually, I don't suppose someone could somehow, someway post the discord link on the main page of this site (lol prolly not)?
July 31 2019 17:57:32
There we go, Ladies and Gents. If and when you join, change your name to your account name so that everyone knows who’s who.
July 31 2019 17:56:13
July 28 2019 17:05:24
I think a discord would be sweet! Easier than loading up this website every so often xD
July 24 2019 06:21:58
It's quite surreal that the forum is still around. It's such a bittersweet feeling, but I'm still glad it exists.
July 20 2019 03:07:21
It don't matter who makes the discord, at this point everyone is the same rank. Except me that keeps making new polls 
July 19 2019 03:32:26
Someone of higher rank or status should host the discord server though. I doubt people would rally behind me. 
July 19 2019 03:27:20
I would LOVE if we could get an official discord server, seeing as people still frequent this site! That way we have a more modern way of communicating!
July 14 2019 00:02:01
Hey any Dota 2 or Warframe player left around here? Only 2 games I actively play anymore, so thought I might as well see
July 06 2019 08:02:21
I missed this so much! The very first mc server that I stayed for years! My eyes in tearing up dsfjssdjk bring this back on discord at least? Hearts from WinterCoffee <3
July 05 2019 11:02:05
Holy balls used to play on this mc server back in 2013, how yall doing? is the mc server dead ?
July 04 2019 14:34:45
June 06 2019 02:14:42
Is anyone home?
May 28 2019 08:49:18
Getting teary eyed here reading all of the messages hahaha
May 20 2019 23:48:48
Hi everyone! Glad to see I'm not the only one sticking around here xD
May 20 2019 07:25:14
I miss you guys so much!! I want to stay in contact with yall add me on Snapchat @coconolaaa I wanna play minecraft again before I go to college and say goodbye to my childhood forever
May 20 2019 07:23:55
I actually cried today remembering all the good times I had in this server when I was like 13 
May 06 2019 09:03:17
so this was my first MC multiplayer experience like, 7 years ago and stayed on till it's closure. took me until yesterday to actually buy minecraft for real.
where did all the forum posts go?